We would like to notify the public that our members can now be open to see all patients in their offices.  They will continue to utilise protocols to ensure your safety against COVID-19.  Now is the time to resolve health issues that have developed over the past few months and to resume your chiropractic care, for those conditions that brought you to your chiropractor; in the past.  Please check out our new YouTube channel:

COVID – 19     UP-DATE 15TH MAY 2020

Some members of the CAI have recently taken care of acute emergencies and frontline workers.  Without definitive direction from the government, many more Chiropractors may resume limited office hours starting May 18th, 2020.

Recommended precautions to be taken against the spread of coronavirus, include but not limited to; wearing face masks, strict sanitization of any objects that patients may place their hands (e.g. adjusting tables, biros, door handles); hand hygiene for patients and staff.

Recently, a specialised CAI committee, was developed to scour the Health Service Executive, (HSE) & Department of Health, DOH websites, to determine further protocols; members should adhere to.  Valuable information was discovered which included, advice on how to triage patients ahead of appointments as well as an appropriate declaration form, to be signed; when the patients arrive in the office.

Members have also been informed to limit the number of patients in the office, so they can hold to the 2m physical distancing rule; between patients.  Other information from the HSE and DOH, has been passed on to members, which they have been asked to adhere to. 

12th March, 2020:

The Chiropractic Association of Ireland are carefully monitoring the situation with the Coronavirus. We have endeavoured to advise all our members to consult the website and follow guidance from the HSE along with the Health Protection Surveillance Centre. Our patient’s healthcare is paramount to all our members. Please review the following links which is available to all members of the public.

Up-to-date advice for all members of the public is being provided on

The best thing you can do to protect against coronavirus (COVID-19) is:

* wash your hands properly and regularly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub

* cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough and sneeze

* put used tissues into a bin and wash your hands

* do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

* keep one meter away from individuals potentially infected

Advice and Guidance:

The most up-to-date source of guidance is the Health Protection Surveillance Centre, which is the co-ordinating HSE office for Coronavirus They have developed a helpful FAQ. In addition to general information, it also includes information on prevention, signs/symptoms/ travel advice and the global situation. 

The following is a link from the HSE Website which is constantly updated.

  • Advice for Healthcare Professionals: